Category Archives: Comics News

Four Reasons I Don’t Care About The New Captain America

New Captain America - marvel

In case you missed it, Marvel announced that on Monday, a new Captain America will be announced.  As a lifelong Cap fan, I was asked what I thought of the news which became this very blog you’re reading.

It’s no surprise.

After making a Helicarrier full of money for Disnarvel, Captain America 2 is now out of most theaters, set for DVD release in mid-August. Now is the time to get Steve Rogers out of the suit and tinker with stories that they normally wouldn’t try telling when the marketing push is on for a movie. We just witnessed this entire cycle with Spider-Man and it’s happening with Wolverine in like a month as well. I expect that by the release of Avengers 2 next year, Steve is back in the suit.

I’m disappointed.

Why? Because they already pulled off installing a new Captain America the LAST time they took him out of the suit and we were getting BuckyCap stories. Both Marvel and DC disappointed me with how quickly they turned their back on the passing of the baton to the sidekicks. Both companies were doing interesting things with BuckyCap and Dick Grayson-Batman but just as the two were starting to get some traction and readers were believing that this could actually be the new status quo, they both switched back depriving fans of an era of Batman and Captain America stories that we have never experienced and may never get the chance to going forward just to stay in line with the marketing campaign.

Who could it be?

I haven’t been reading anything Captain America related for a while I admit, so I don’t know who they might be considering for the suit other than the obvious: the son of Arnim Zola that Steve raised in Dimension Z or whatever that story was that John Romita, Jr. was illustrating (I can read wikipedia just like anyone else). I find it weird because it would make sense (to me) to keep things in line with where the movies could potentially be headed.

My expectation is that Chris Evans may be done playing Cap in the movies as soon as Avengers 3 is finished shooting, but Sebastian Stan is signed for like 7 more films beyond that (or something). It would make sense to swap in Bucky in the films over Avengers 2 and Cap 3 and then move on with BuckyCap stories. But it would be weird for them to go back to BuckyCap in the comics since they already did that.

You know, the stories might be good.

Nothing that I have stated means that these won’t be good stories. I can’t say whether this is a good idea or a bad idea until I’ve read the stories. Marvel has been telling Captain America stories since 1941, and you gotta mix things up every once in a while.

What do you think?

Dan Larson is the creator behind the online comic Stick-Man and other endeavors. Connect with him on Facebook.

Listen to Episode 60 Now: “The One Where We Talk About Comics Constipation”

Marvel Movies Discussion
Upcoming (and a few current) Marvel movies at a glance. (Credit:

Like a rocket from the crypt, Ben & Josh roared back on the on-demand audio airwaves for episode 60 of the flagship Near Mint Comic Show, recorded live to digital tape on January 25, 2014.

Listen Now:

Among the topics the two talked about:

Comics related movie news and rumors!
There’s been a metric crapload of Marvel-related movie announcements since we last recorded, and some additional setbacks from DC. We discuss Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Batman vs. Superman, Ben finally seeing Man of Steel, not seeing Wolverine, and what’s new on the small screen. Will Ben see The Lego Movie?!?

Josh goes digital!
Thanks to Ben, Josh has gone digital for a few issues. Does he like it? Does he hate it? Will he set the pulp and paper industry back with his decision?

Ben talks Parker!
Not Peter Parker, his son Parker. (Hey, he owns the house. He can talk about whatever he wants!)

The Dark Knight, Marvel Knights: Spider-Man, Jupiter’s Legacy, Secret Service, Arms of the Octopus and more are discussed.

Walking Dead!
We talk the series from 1:11:49 – 1:17:02. Spoiler warning, y’all!

Josh gets spoiled!
Why did Marvel decided to spoil the world about the return of Peter Parker?

The guys also discuss comics constipation (seriously!), give a postmortem to Venom and do a preview of the next edition of The Minty Awards!

Music: Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians, Peter Frampton, Grateful Dead

Show Notes:

AV Club talks Agents Of Shield from on the set

What part of the Marvel universe will the Netflix series be in?

Son Of Batman trailer

Infographic: Making Sense of MARVEL NOW!

If you’re confused about Marvel NOW!, you’re not alone. While DC cleaned its slate in one fell swoop for the 52 reboot, Marvel opted for a slower rollout of their new titles, leading to some confusion over the meaning behind the initiative, the timeline for publication and what became of/what will become of your favorite Marvel “Then” titles.

We’ve done a little research and provided you with this handy infographic to help sort things out.

(click to enlarge)


As of this writing (and based on the December 2012 edition of Marvel previews), there are 12 “Marvel Then” titles whose fate is yet to be determined. Those titles include:

  • Age of Apocalypse
  • Astonishing X-Men
  • Avenging Spider-Man
  • Captain Marvel
  • Daredevil
  • Gambit
  • Hawkeye
  • Scarlet Spider
  • Venom
  • Winter Soldier
  • X-Factor
  • Xtreme X-Men

So what do you think? What Marvel NOW! titles do you pick up or will pick up?

Variant Madness: Obama to appear in Amazing Spider Man, special cover

spidermanobamaGod bless variant covers.

News broke quickly this past week that President Elect Barack Obama will be in a story in Amazing Spider-Man #583 and also featured in a variant cover that you can see here. As a life-long Spider-fan and Obama supporter, this is pretty awesome. It also helps that the future Prez is also likes Peter Parker’s exploits as well.

The issue will be in stores this upcoming Wednesday, January 14th.

But while the story will run in all issues, how to acquire the variant cover and how retailers can acquire them is what’s confusing. From the Newsarama writeup:

“Retailers were informed on December 16th via Diamond Dateline and the retailer portion of the Diamond website that issue #583 would have a special Obama variant cover and include the Inauguration Day backup story, something which would bring the issue up to 40 pages in total, and increase its price point (for both the regular cover and variant cover editions) to $3.99. To stress that last point – the Spider-Man/Obama story is in every issue of Amazing Spider-Man #583, with or without the Obama variant cover.

At that time, the conditions for ordering the Obama variant were that if retailers exceeded their orders for Amazing Spider-Man #583 compared to their orders for issue #575 by the Final Order Cut-off date of December 18th, they would qualify to order as many Obama variant covers as they wished while supplies lasted. To clarify, the cover is not being shipped to retailers in a 50/50 ratio as reported in the mainstream press.”

Issue 575 was the first part of the two-part Hammerhead arc that Ben and I discussed on the last p’cast. It’s reported that the first run has already sold out and that a second printing of the variant is being offered to shops with no restrictions while supplies last.

So at some point, you’ll probably be able to acquire one of these variants…somehow and some places.

Original story found at Newsarama

Newsarama’s Comic of the Year: two options? That’s it?

It’s that time of year for ‘Best Of’ lists and various awards and a post I saw upon a quick view of Newsarama shocked me

Wrong 'Comic of the Year'.
Wrong 'Comic of the Year'.

a bit. They are asking readers to vote on Comic Book of the Year, along with Comic Movie of the Year. Normally, I would have no problem with this, but that’s why I said ‘normally’. Continue reading Newsarama’s Comic of the Year: two options? That’s it?

Marvel’s Secret Invasion is done…now what?

secretinvasionWith the end of Marvel’s near year-long epic of Secret Invasion complete, now what? Well, how about some Dark Reign?

Marvel Universe ultra-scribe Brian Michael Bendis did an interview with Newsarama where he discussed the end of the Secret Invasion series and gives some clues into what is going to happen next. I think for a majority of the fans, I would say that I hope that Dark Reign is more of a running theme/storyline throughout the books and not lead toward another major event.

After House of M, Civil War and Secret Invasion, it’d be nice to have a year off from a long summer arc.

Then again, history shows that we do have events during the summer, regardless of publisher.

More on the end of Secret Invasion during the next p’cast…recorded this week!

Prez-Elect Obama: A Spider-Man Fan?

Barack Obama - Comic Fan!
Barack Obama - Comic Fan!

I knew there was a reason I loved this guy.

As I perused Newsarama the other day, I saw this post entitled ‘5 Lessons We Hope Obama Learned from Spider-Man‘ and bookmarked the page to check it out later. Then, a friend of mine on Facebook had a link to ‘50 Things We Didn’t Know About Obama‘. Number 1? He collects Spider-Man and Conan The Barbarian comics.

Whu? Huh? How did I miss this?

Apparently, this just broke over the past days and this article points to how a certain store is now selling more and more because of this revelation. The President-Elect is not only a comics fan, but a Spider-Man fan?

I love America.

You’re Fired! – Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander relieved of duties on “Heroes”

Jeph Loeb (pictured here with Heroes star, Kristen Bell) was fired by NBC according to Variety

Jeph Loeb (pictured here with Heroes star, Kristen Bell) was fired by NBC according to Variety

Uber-reliable Hollywood rag Variety has reported that comics scribe Jeph Loeb and co-executive producer Jesse Alexander have been relieved of their duties on NBC’s Heroes.  The news comes midway into the third season of the comics-inspired drama which debuted with stellar ratings and a rabid fanbase, but has since limped into mediocrity since its first season.

According to the article, Loeb and Alexander, who have been with Heroes since the beginning, were let go due to “frustration with the creative direction of the show.”  Fans have criticized Heroes for being derivative of plots and characters found in mainstream comics, a fact that the shows producers would likely attribute to homage rather than plagiarism.  From its inception, Heroes asserted itself as a show pulled directly from comic book lore.  A better criticism of the show might be that its characters, while largely likable and interesting, seem to demonstrate wildly erratic motivation and behavior.   … [ Begin Editorial ]

Continue reading You’re Fired! – Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander relieved of duties on “Heroes”

Secret Invasion 8 Delayed Two Weeks

Ohhhhhhhhh, we knew we couldn’t have a ‘major event’ without at least one delay, right?

Marvel announced Tuesday that the final issue of Bendis’ Secret Invasion will be delayed by two weeks with #8 shipping on December 3rd. The reason?

“The additional pages in #8 did both Leinil and the schedule in,” explained Executive Editor Tom Brevoort. “Anybody who pored over the artwork from #7 a week ago can easily see how he and Mark Morales have been putting their all (and then some) into every page and every panel, and that effort has finally caught up with us. Hopefully, retailers and fans will forgive us these extra two weeks as we make sure that everything is in the shape it should be in for the extra-sized climax—and from there, it’ll be smooth sailing straight into DARK REIGN.”

That also means some other related tie-ins will have to be delayed as well:



– INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #8 – On-Sale 12/17

– MIGHTY AVENGERS #20 -On-Sale 12/17


Baltimore Con News: Slott’s new gig, Bendis/Kirkman debate, Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk

Some newsbits out of this past weekend’s Baltimore Comic-Con for you… (Some comic fan I am…I was in Baltimore flying and out of BWI after speaking at a conference Saturday and had no idea the Con was going on. Damn it!!!)

News on a public Bendis/Kirkman debate, who is taking over on Mighty Avengers and another Mark Millar project going to the big screen after the jump…

Continue reading Baltimore Con News: Slott’s new gig, Bendis/Kirkman debate, Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk