Tag Archives: G.I. Joe

Embrace Change – Marvel airs Secret Invasion TV Commercial on ESPN2

Amidst the wave of teaser images, house ads and other clever marketing gimmicks, Marvel comics reached back into it’s 1980’s playbook and pulled out something it hadn’t used in a long time – traditional on-air TV advertising.  This 30-second TV spot promoting Marvel’s Secret Invasion aired last night during the Minor League Baseball Championships on ESPN2.  The ad leads viewers to embracechange.org, which is really just a link to the Secret Invasion page on marvel.com.  With Secret Invasion already 6 issues in, this ad is presumably aimed to boost sales on trade paperback which will be released once the mini-series concludes in November.  While it remains to be seen how effective the TV campaign will be, it’s nice to see Marvel pushing their core product – comic books – in a mainstream media venue.  That’s something we haven’t seen since the 1980’s ads for G.I. Joe comics.