About Us

We’re comic fans. That much should be clear by now. This is our home for our new podcast, Ben and Josh’s Near Mint Comic Show. Simply, it was born out of a desire to try some p’casting and to talk to others (virtually as it were) about a great hobby of ours.

Josh has been reading comics since he was a young age and Spider-Man has the main focus of his attention. He approaches things a bit simpler than most and is mainly a Marvel guy that picks up between 5-10 books a month. He’s also a Capricorn.

Ben found comics as a kid and has been devouring them ever since. Listening to comics podcasts has taken Ben’s addiction to a whole new level and he now finds himself following heroes from both Marvel and DC and plenty of independent and non-superhero work as well.  He has a total man crush on Brian K. Vaughan, but then … who doesn’t?

If you want to drop us a line about anything, email us at nearmintcomicshow@gmail.com.

Helping comicbooks conquer the world since 2008